My family

My family

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Controlling our emotions

Psalm 13: How long, O Lord? Will you forget me forever? How long will you hide your face from me? How long must I wrestle with my thoughts and every day have sorrow in my heart? How long will my enemy triumph over me? Look on me and answer, O Lord my God. Give light to my eyes, or I will sleep in death; my enemy will say, "I have overcome him, " and my foes will rejoice when I fall. But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation. I will sing to the Lord, for he has been good to me. NLT

A good friend of mine just recently invited me to the blog world and I am accepting that invitation today! I feel this may be a release for me, Amen! There was a day when I related to the beginning of this Psalm more than the ending. I am so thankful that today I relate more to the ending of this Psalm. For some of you who may not know me or who are just getting to know me, I am a mother of 4 and basically a single mother. I have been separated from my husband for 4 years now and wow does that look weird in writing! But thanks be to God, I still have my sanity and my life has never been better!

The subject for my blog today is my emotions. Our emotions can be such a roller coaster ride! One minute you are up, the next down, and then you whip around a sharp corner and find a drop just waiting there and you have that sudden feeling that your life is being threatened as you fall and wonder what must be coming next. I was never much for roller coasters. Recently, a good friend of mine compared her life to this and I guess that is why it is still fresh in my mind. My life used to be such a roller coaster and these days it is becoming less and less like that. I have embarked on a journey that is wonderful and scary all at the same time. My emotions are becoming less and less apparent to me, but they are still there tempting all the while about what is true and what is not! Circumstances in my life sometimes get a hold of me, but not for as long as they used to, my God has revealed too much truth to me to let anything get a hold of me! A couple weeks ago, I was at a good friend of mine's for a bible study and we watched a dvd called, "Because of Jesus." In this particular series, A Godly Wife, God revealed a very interesting thing to me. Jesus redeemed me from negative thoughts towards my husband, and more powerfully, negative thoughts toward anyone. Wow, how this set me free! Lately, when I have a negative thought, which is caused by my emotions, I quickly remind myself how Jesus redeemed me from thinking that way and pretty soon I have peace! My emotions are affected by the way I think. I am amazed and in awe of how he keeps helping me in my daily walk with my job, children, finances and MY CIRCUMSTANCES!! I am really starting to see how much he loves me, just knowing that he knows these awful thoughts and feelings come and he even took care of that! Some days I try to get my children to control their emotions and then I remember they are just as incapable of doing this as I am without our Lord!

Even today, the Lord is patiently and ever so tenderly helping me deal with my emotions and showing me that they are far from what is true! The more truth I know, the less I have negative emotions.


  1. Kellie, I am so excited about following your blog and seeing what God is doing in your life in another way. I am really enjoying writing in mine and it is such an outlet. It kinda brings my subconscious thoughts into the forefront. It is going to be fun.

  2. I am so glad that you are using this amazing tool for the Lord....your words are so powerful and He is using you in such an amazing way!
    I love you, my friend! Welcome to the blogging world!

  3. So I guess Im letting my emotions rule my life, cause lately it sucks! I definitely don't believe that I have been set free from them. In fact, since it's my emotions that get me all messed up, then why did God give them to me to begin with. I find myself being angry with God over this subject along with many others. Bummer.
